We have been giving hundreds of customers a suitable face for more than 10 years.
No hidden costs
All-round carefree package
Personal support
Our starter package
For just € 99 per month plus a one-off set-up fee of € 299!

Our Pro package
For just € 199 per month plus a one-off set-up fee of € 299!
Our Expert package
For only € 299 per month plus a one-off set-up fee of € 299!

Our packages in comparison
Package comparison
SSL certificate
Secure Sockets Layers ensure the security of your site.
Number of pages
You can add extra pages at any time.
We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Contact form
You can use a contact form to accept individual inquiries on your website.
Personal data upload
You will receive a personal data upload to send us all images, texts and content for the creation and regular updates.
Social media linking
We link your social media accounts with matching icons on your website. You can manage all accounts centrally.
Monthly theme & plugin updates
Theme and plugin updates ensure that WordPress websites function securely and smoothly.
Managed Hosting
We host your 99website with unlimited traffic and +99% availability. If there are any problems, our team will take care of your concerns at any time.
Removal service
We will transfer your domain from your current host to us free of charge.
Professional e-mail addresses
We can take over existing e-mail addresses and create new ones for your team. If you need a new one from time to time, we will be happy to help you.
We secure the current status of your website for you. This gives you security and allows you to maintain content etc. yourself without hesitation.
Individual working time per month
Your free contingent for adjustments, optimizations and constant updates. Keep your website up to date and benefit from a personal contact person and a large development team.
Online form for individual customizations
You can easily make adjustments to your website using an individual form. Our team will work on your themes for you. So you can concentrate on your business.
Meta Title, Meta Description and Featured Image
Meta title and meta description are HTML elements that define the title and description of a website for search engines and users. A featured image is a visual element that complements a page in an appealing way and is often displayed in the preview or when sharing the page.
Administrator access to the Wordpress CMS
You get full rights to your website CMS. This means you can change the content and settings of your website yourself at any time. Thanks to our backups, you are also protected.
Individual inquiry form
Do you have specific ideas for your customers' inquiries? Then have a customized form created for you. So that you have all the necessary information for a new request.
Image Optimization Plus
Significant improvement in loading times thanks to optimized images, caching and CDN. This helps your users to handle your site better even in poor internet conditions.
Call-to-action popup
Discover the possibilities of individual pop-ups for advertising to your visitors.
Individual 404 page
We ensure a good mood, even if the desired page cannot be found.
Career function
This allows your applicants to apply to you directly on your website without any hurdles. With your own data upload and form. We create all the necessary pages and forms.
Marketing optimization
We prepare your website with the appropriate tools for your visibility on Google. Together, we optimize existing content and continuously improve your website. We set up the necessary tools at the beginning.
Keyword analysis according to industry
We analyze your industry and your personal project. This allows us to quickly deliver ideal suggestions for improvement and implement them immediately. This helps your visibility and puts you in the right light compared to your competitors.
Customized branding for cookies
Cookies appear every time you visit. That's why we design this in your company colors. This creates trust and reference!
Hacker protection
We comprehensively secure your website against external attacks.
Search function
Your users can use this function to search your entire website to find specific content.
Security optimization
Your website is protected from attacks with additional tools. This prevents unwanted spam attacks on your email accounts.
Premium Support
Premium Support offers you prioritized support and faster response times for all your requests to keep your website running smoothly.
Blog / News
We design a customized blog for your news. Both the archive and the blog posts shine in your design and, thanks to monthly maintenance, we also continuously upload your new articles.

How simple is the whole thing?
All we need is your content. Don’t have any yet? No problem, we can give you valuable tips on how to write your advertising copy in the best possible way. Search engines will love it and you can hit the ground running in online marketing!